Thursday, August 18, 2005


Well, I'm no master of saving money, that much is obvious.

I have returned from Lilypons with new purchases in tow. I found the incredibly dwarf water lily I have been looking for since seeing it at Stonecrop. Nymphaea 'Helvola'.

At Stonecrop they had three of these in a single pool that was no more than 3'x4' in size. The total spread of the pads from each plant was no more than 16". I'm pretty excited about this little guy. But I may need another barrel in the yard to keep up with the plants.

I came home with a dwarf papyrus (Cyperus isocladus) and a dwarf horsetail (Equisetum hyemale) as well.

It's also possible I found some "floating island" planters, for future homes for carnivorous plants.

It's also possible I took lots of neat pictures of there 30 acres of ponds, which were full of strange and wonderful birds...

All this and I came home and did some gardenin' too. Fine day.


Blogger digiphile said...

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2:12 PM  
Blogger digiphile said...

I really like the photoblogging on this page!!! Nice work, Gimpel. Funny you mention the barrel...I was just looking around my local garden centers (and behind vineyards & distilleries ;) for some of those myself...don't think the inset pools would work as well here in Boston with the frigidity of the weekend, but the 'rents back yard would be an excellent prospect. I have to chuckle at the number of holes - big holes, at that - you are making in the back yard for these fellas. I also like, very much, that you ID'ed the dwarf papyrus as Cyperus isocladus and the dwarf horsetail as Equisetum hyemaleas. For those of us who are lapsed biology majors - which is not at all like being a lapsed Catholic, BTW - it's wonderful to find the latinate available. Lastly, I really like the idea of those "floating island" planters as home to carnivorous plants - what a lovely surprise for the local insect population!

2:13 PM  

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